That was a Surprise EP2 S9
Hitmen Season 9
This week it is The Bossmans turn to try to get himself an axis deer
Hitmen Season 9 EPISODES
Texas Axis EP1 S9
This week we are visiting the boys at YHM and taking a tour around the shop, Then Blaine picks up his YHM and heads to Texas to chase Axis bucks.
That was a Surprise EP2 S9
This week it is The Bossmans turn to try to get himself an axis deer
Headed North EP3 S9
This week after a successful exotic hunt in Texas, Twyla heads to Canada to chase some spring black bears.
Bad Luck EP4 S9
This week we see if Twylas bad luck can turn around, then we head to the Midwest after some whitetail.
Spring and Fall EP5 S9
This week we have a little bit of everything, we are chasing big whitetails in Saskatchewan and a couple spring critters.
Midwest Horseshoe EP6 S9
This week we finish up with Allens New Brunswick bear hunt,then its of to the Midwest to see if Jeff can put another nice buck on the ground.
Rutting Bucks EP7 S9
This week we finish up Toms New Brunswick bear hunt, then Blaine heads to Texas during the rut to try to bring down his dream buck.
Dreamer EP8 S9
This week we see if Blaine luck changes so he can gets his ultimate dream buck, Then its Jeffs turn to put a nice Texas buck down
Harder Then It Looks EP9 S9
This week we finish up with the Bossman in Texas, then we head to Maine to see if Twyla can get her very first Maine deer after 3 yrs of trying and seeing nothing.
Picky Ricky EP10 S9
This week we are in Texas with our buddy Ricky, who earned himself a new nickname, as well as some more New Brunswick bear action.
Brandy New EP11 S9
This week we have a brand new prostaff member Dave, he is in Texas laying down some awesome deer, then we head out with Cajsa as she tries to get her first black bear
Bear Down EP12 S9
This week we see if Cajsa can get her very first black bear, then we head to Florida to case some gators and hogs
Bacon and Backstraps EP13 S9
This week we finish up hunting hogs in Florida, then we head back to Texas for one last crack at a big whitetail with Jeff Elliott.