Little Bit of Everything EP12 S12
Hitmen Season 12
This week the Hitmen crew are chasing some a little bit of everything.
Hitmen Season 12 EPISODES
Crossing The Big Pond EP1 S12
This week some of the Hitmen are headed of to Newfoundland to hunt moose.
Midwest Come Back EP2 S12
This week The Bossman, Jeff Elliott is hunting in the Midwest. He has had a rough year, hopefully the Midwest is nice to him.
Lone Star State EP3 S12
This week the Hitmen crew are in the great state of Texas chasing whitetails. Is the Bossmans luck going to change?
Saskatchewan EP4 S12
This week we are heade dto cols Saskatchewan with Terry Rohm
Filling the Freezer EP5 S12
This week the Hitmen are putting pork and backstraps on the table.
The Three Bears EP6 S12
This week the Hitmen are headed to North Carolina to chase bears with dogs.
No Rules EP7 S12
This week the Hitmen crew are headed to sunny Florida for their anual alligator trip to hunt alligators with a little friendly competition.
Swamp Lizards EP8 S12
This week the Hitmen crew are still in sunny Florida for their annual trip to hunt alligators.
Don't Get To Close! EP9 S12
This week the Hitmen crew finish up their Florida trip with Twyla Jean getting a little to close for the gators comfort! Then we are off to the woods to chase some whitetail
Turkey Surprise EP10 S12
This week the Hitmen crew are chasing turkeys! We go from chasing turkeys in the snow to a surprise 3 some to forgetting the camera!
Whitetails & Bears EP11 S12
This week the Hitmen crew are chasing some big whitetail bucks then we switch of to chasing some bears.
Little Bit of Everything EP12 S12
This week the Hitmen crew are chasing some a little bit of everything.
Swamp Rivers EP13 S12
This week we join Roger Rivers as he goes after hogs, turtles and gators. You wont want to miss this crazy episode!